BLOG > Montclair Planning Board: Feature Length

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by Dab Riga

Montclair Planning Board: Feature Length

On the night of April 24th, 2023, TLEHL appeared before the Montclair Planning Board seeking the Conditional Use Permit required for us to receive final approval from the state and begin our buildout. Spoiler alert: we were approved! And, the entire presentation was recorded with the reliably high audiovisual production values of Montclair TV34. Here is the full hearing, from the opening suspense of fashionable lateness to the levity of the Council’s counsel’s closing joke. You’ll have to watch to know what I mean.

What exactly does this Conditional Use Permit grant us? In short, more permits! In particular, it gives our general contractor the authority to pull the required permits for this specific construction project. What’s more, having this Planning Board approval is a prerequisite of converting our Conditional license to an Annual license and obtaining that other all-important permit to legally buy and sell licensed cannabis and cannabis products. Permits permits permits!

We also got writeups of this event in local media stories: “Montclair Planning Board Approves Cannabis Business Application, Discusses New Indemnification Ordinance” and “2 Cannabis Businesses In Montclair Will Be Located In Same Building”.

What is the other cannabis business in the same building, you ask? Good question! Montclair gave out one manufacturing license and one cultivation license. It just so happens that these two operations are neighbors in the same building! We already have a supply agreement and are collaborating on other issues that are mutually beneficial. The name of the cultivator is Genuine Grow.

Our next major steps will be to submit our Conditional Conversion (final) application with the state, and begin taking steps toward buildout and launch!